blob: bbb1bf4eea663f5da84458a3458411098d7c7d87 [file] [log] [blame]
// Enter debugger after running each test to allow debugging visually.
// Run Karma with --no-single-run and change "it" to "it.only" for one of the
// tests below. You may need to zoom in to see the marker.
var enableVisualDebug = false;
// Id for visual check. Global to make it easier to set in the JS debugger.
if (enableVisualDebug) { var id = '#a'; }
function() {
var container;
// This is not a test function. Intended for debugging visually.
function visualDebug() {
var style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = '.marker {' +
' -webkit-animation-duration: 2s; ' +
' -webkit-animation-name: blink; ' +
' -webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite; ' +
' position: fixed; ' +
' width: 1px; ' +
' height: 1px; ' +
' background-color: red; ' +
' margin: 0px; ' +
' padding: 0px; ' +
' border: 0px; ' +
' z-index: 1000' +
'} ' +
'@-webkit-keyframes blink {' +
' from { ' +
' background-color: red; ' +
' } ' +
' 50% { ' +
' background-color: black; ' +
' } ' +
' to { ' +
' background-color: red; ' +
' } ' +
var marker = document.createElement('p');
marker.innerHTML = ' ';
marker.className = "marker"
setInterval(function() {
var ele = $$$(id, container);
if (ele) {
var pos = sk.elePos(ele); = pos.x + 'px'; = pos.y + 'px';
}, 500);
document.body.appendChild(marker);'Check browser window.');
afterEach(function () {
if (enableVisualDebug) {
if (container) {
// Assert that sk.elePos($$$(id, container)) is offset from
// sk.elePos(container) by (x, y).
function assertRelative(id, x, y) {
if (!container) {'container not set');
var containerPos = sk.elePos(container);
var actual = sk.elePos($$$(id, container));
assert.equal(actual.x - containerPos.x, x,
"Expected x-axis position of '" + id + "' to be " +
containerPos.x + " + " + x + " = " +
(containerPos.x + x) + ", but elePos returned " +
assert.equal(actual.y - containerPos.y, y,
"Expected y-axis position of '" + id + "' to be " +
containerPos.y + " + " + y + " = " +
(containerPos.y + y) + ", but elePos returned " +
function testPaddingBorderPosition() {
// Add an HTML tree to the document.
container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML =
'<div id=a style="padding: 2px; border: 3px solid;">' +
' <div id=aa style="padding: 5px; border: 7px solid;">' +
' <p id=aaa style="position: absolute; left: 11px; top: 13px; ' +
' margin: 0px;">aaa</p>' +
' <p id=aab style="padding: 17px; border: 19px solid; ' +
' margin: 0px;">aab</p>' +
' </div>' +
' <div id=ab style="position: fixed; left: 23px; top: 29px;">' +
' <div id=aba style="padding: 31px; border: 37px solid;">' +
' <p id=abaa style="position: absolute; left: 41px; ' +
' top: 43px; margin: 0px;">abaa</p>' +
' <p id=abab style="margin: 0px;">abab</p>' +
' </div>' +
' </div>' +
' <div id=ac style="position: relative; left: 47px; top: 53px;">' +
' <p id=aca style="position: absolute; left: 59px; top: 61px; ' +
' margin: 0px;">aca</p>' +
' <p id=acb style="margin: 0px;">acb</p>' +
' </div>' +
' <p id=ad style="margin: 0px;">ad</p>' +
// a: should be at top-left of container.
assertRelative('#a', 0, 0);
// aa: offset by padding/border of a, so both top and left shifted by
// 2+3=5px.
assertRelative('#aa', 5, 5);
// aaa: all parents are statically-positioned, so absolute positioning
// should be relative to the document.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#aaa', container)), {x: 11, y: 13});
// aab: offset by padding/border of a and aa. Not affected by aaa due to
// absolute positioning. Both top and left shifted by 2+3+5+7=17.
assertRelative('#aab', 17, 17);
// ab: fixed positioning is relative to the document.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#ab', container)), {x: 23, y: 29});
// aba: since ab has no padding/border, should at the same location as ab.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#aba', container)), {x: 23, y: 29});
// abaa: absolute positioning is relative to ab; 23+41=64, 29+43=72.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#abaa', container)), {x: 64, y: 72});
// abab: offset by padding/border of aba, so both top and left shifted by
// 31+37=68. Not affected by abaa due to absolute positioning. Positioned
// relative to aba; 23+68=91, 29+68=97.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#abab', container)), {x: 91, y: 97});
// ac is offset downward by aa, but ab does not affect the position of ac
// due to fixed positioning.
// Total height is clientHeight (which includes padding) plus top and
// bottom border.
var aaTotalHeight = $$$('#aa', container).clientHeight + 7 * 2;
// ac: offset by padding/border of a (2+3=5px) and height of aa, then
// shifted by relative positioning. 5+47=52, 5+53=58.
assertRelative('#ac', 52, 58 + aaTotalHeight);
// aca: absolute positioning is relative to ac; 52+59=111, 58+61=119.
assertRelative('#aca', 111, 119 + aaTotalHeight);
// acb: not affected by aca due to absolute positioning. ac does not have
// padding/border, so acb is at the same location.
assertRelative('#acb', 52, 58 + aaTotalHeight);
// ad: offset by padding/border of a (2+3=5px), and offset downward by aa
// and ac, but not affected by ab due to fixed positioning.
// Total height of ac is clientHeight because it does not have a border.
var acTotalHeight = $$$('#ac', container).clientHeight;
assertRelative('#ad', 5, 5 + aaTotalHeight + acTotalHeight);
it('should give the location of an element with padding, border, and ' +
'position CSS', testPaddingBorderPosition);
function testMargin() {
// Add an HTML tree to the document.
container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML =
'<div id=b style="margin: 2px;">' +
' <p id=ba style="position: absolute; left: 3px; top: 5px; ' +
' margin: 7px;">ba</p>' +
' <p id=bb style="margin: 11px;">bb</p>' +
'</div>' +
'<div id=c style="position: fixed; left: 13px; top: 17px; ' +
' margin: 19px;">' +
' <div id=ca style="margin: 23px;">' +
' <p id=caa style="margin: 10px;">caa</p>' +
' </div>' +
'</div>' +
'<div id=d style="position: relative; left: 43px; top: 47px; ' +
' margin: 53px;">' +
' <p id=da style="margin: 71px">da</p>' +
'</div>' +
'<p id=e style="margin: 50px">e</p>'; = 'absolute'; = '50px;'; = '50px;';
// b: top margin of bb collapses outside b, causing top of b to be shifted
// down 11 rather than 2. Left is shifted by margin of 2.
assertRelative('#b', 2, 11);
// ba: positioned relative to container, shifted by margin; 3+7=10,
// 5+7=12.
assertRelative('#ba', 10, 12);
// bb: offset by margin of bb and left margin of b. Not affected by ba due
// to absolute positioning. Not affected by top margin of b because of
// margin collapsing. 11+2=13
assertRelative('#bb', 13, 11);
// c: fixed positioning is relative to the document, shifted by margin;
// 13+19=32, 17+19=36.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#c', container)), {x: 32, y: 36});
// ca: Offset from c by the margins of c and ca; no margin collapsing due
// to fixed positioning of c; 13+19+23=55, 17+19+23=59.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#ca', container)), {x: 55, y: 59});
// caa: offset from c by margins of c, ca, and caa modulo margin
// collapsing. Left is at 13+19+23+10=65. Top margin of caa collapses with
// ca so that top is at 17+19+23=59.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#caa', container)), {x: 65, y: 59});
// d is offset downward by b, but c does not affect the position of d due
// to fixed positioning. Margins of b, d, and da are collapsed so that the
// top of d is 71 below the bottom of b. Additionally d is positioned
// relatively, so is shifted by (43, 47) from its static position.
// Therefore top of d relative to container is
// (collapsed top margin of b)+(clientHeight of b)+
// (collapsed margins of b, d, and da)+(relative position of d) =
// 11+bClientHeight+71+47 = 129+bClientHeight.
// Left of d relative to container is 43+53=96.
var bClientHeight = $$$('#b', container).clientHeight;
assertRelative('#d', 96, 129 + bClientHeight);
// da: Left margin shifts da by 71 from left of d. Since margins of d and
// da collapsed, top of da is the same as top of d.
assertRelative('#da', 167, 129 + bClientHeight);
// e: Shifted downward from d's static position by the clientHeight of d
// and the collapsed margins of da and e, i.e. 71. Top is at
// (collapsed top margin of b)+(clientHeight of b)+
// (collapsed margins of b, d, and da)+(clientHeight of d)+
// (collapsed margins of da and e) =
// 11+bClientHeight+71+dClientHeight+71 =
// 153+bClientHeight+dClientHeight
var dClientHeight = $$$('#d', container).clientHeight;
assertRelative('#e', 50, 153 + bClientHeight + dClientHeight);
it('should give the location of an element with collapsed margins',
function testScrolling() {
// Add an HTML tree to the document.
container = document.createElement('div');
container.innerHTML =
'<div id=f style="width: 100px; height: 100px; overflow: scroll;">' +
' <p id=fa style="position: absolute; left: 2px; top: 3px; ' +
' margin: 0px;">fa</p>' +
' <p id=fb style="margin: 0px;">fb</p>' +
' <p id=fc style="position: fixed; left: 5px; top: 7px; ' +
' margin: 0px;">fc</p>' +
' <p id=fd style="position: relative; left: 11px; top: 13px; ' +
' margin: 0px;">fd</p>' +
' <p style="width: 1000px; height: 1000px">&nbsp;</p>' +
'</div>' +
'<p style="width: 1000px; height: 1000px">&nbsp;</p>';
var f = $$$('#f', container);
f.scrollLeft = 17;
f.scrollTop = 19;
document.body.scrollLeft = 0;
document.body.scrollTop = 0;
// Just in case we scrolled more than the max.
var fScrollLeft = f.scrollLeft;
var fScrollTop = f.scrollTop;
// f: at the same location as container.
assertRelative('#f', 0, 0);
// fa: all parents are statically-positioned, so absolute positioning
// should be relative to the document.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#fa', container)), {x: 2, y: 3});
// fb: offset from f by scrolling.
assertRelative('#fb', -fScrollLeft, -fScrollTop);
// fc: fixed positioning is relative to the document.
assert.deepEqual(sk.elePos($$$('#fc', container)), {x: 5, y: 7});
// fd is offset downward by fb, but fa and fc do not affect the position
// of fd.
var fbClientHeight = $$$('#fb', container).clientHeight;
// fd: offset from f by (11, 13), by scrolling, and by fbClientHeight.
assertRelative('#fd', 11 - fScrollLeft, 13 - fScrollTop + fbClientHeight);
it('should give the location of an element that has been scrolled',