Gold Production Manual

First make sure you are familiar with the design of gold by reading the architectural overview doc.

General Metrics

The following dashboard is for the legacy, non-k8s instances:

The following dashboard is for the skia-public instances:

The following dashboard is for the skia-corp instances:

Some things to look for:

  • Do goroutines or memory increase continuously (e.g leaks)?
  • How fresh is the tile data? (this could indicate something is stuck).
  • How is ingestion liveness? Anything stuck?

General Logs

Logs for legacy, non-k8s instances are linked to by, e.g.:

Logs for Gold instances in skia-public/skia-corp are in the usual GKE container grouping, for example:


Items below here should include target links from alerts.


Gold has a pubsub subscription for events created in its bucket. This alert means we haven‘t successfully ingested a file in over 24 hours. This could mean that ingestion is throwing errors on every file or the repo isn’t very busy.

This has happened before because gitsync stopped, so check that out too.

Key metrics: liveness_gold_bt_s{metric=“last-successful-process”}, liveness_last_successful_git_sync_s


Gold regularly polls its GCS buckets for any files that were not successfully ingested via PubSub event when the file was created (aka “streaming”). This alert means it has been at least 10 minutes since this happened; this should happen every 5 minutes or so, even in not-busy repos.

This has happened before because gitsync stopped, so check that out too.

Key metrics: liveness_gold_bt_s{metric=“since-last-run”}, liveness_last_successful_git_sync_s


This alert means gold was unable to calculate which ignore rules were expired. Search the logs for “ignorestore.go” to get a hint as to why.

This has happened before because of manually-edited (and incorrect) Datastore data so maybe check out the raw data;kind=IgnoreRule;ns=gold-flutter/query/kind?project=skia-public and;kind=HelperRecentKeys;ns=gold-flutter/query/kind?project=skia-public

Key metrics: gold_expired_ignore_rules_monitoring


Too much time has elapsed since Gold noticed a commit. This occasionally is a false positive if a commit simply hasn't landed in the repo we are tracking.

In the past, this has indicated git-sync might have had problems, so check out the logs of the relevant git-sync instance.

Key metrics: gold_last_commit_age_s


Gold has noticed there is a newer commit available for processing, but hasn't succeeded on moving forward.

This would usually indicate an issue with Gold itself, so check the logs of the Gold instance.

Key metrics: gold_last_commit_age_s


Gold has been unable to re-process some of the data used to keep the frontend up to date.

This hasn't happened yet, but likely would indicate a problem with something in golden/go/status.go

Key metrics: liveness_gold_status_monitoring_s


The recent rate of errors for ingestion is high, it is typically well below 0.1. See the error logs for the given instance for more.


The recent rate of errors for the diff server is high, it is typically well below 0.1. See the error logs for the given instance for more.


The recent rate of errors for the main gold instance is high, it is typically well below 0.1. See the error logs for the given instance for more.