blob: 1f19ea2cfc145556272c5c21361fb8ec501a62f3 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
// Working in progress protobuf and service definition.
package pinpoint.v1;
option go_package = ";pinpointpb";
import "google/api/annotations.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
// The direct mirror of the existing bisect request in catapult.
// dashboard/dashboard/pinpoint/models/
// Note, some fields are only for backward-compatibility only.
message ScheduleBisectRequest {
string comparison_mode = 1;
string start_git_hash = 2;
string end_git_hash = 3;
// The builder/bot configuration name, this usually specifies the builder that can trigger
// the build.
string configuration = 4;
// The Chrome perf benchmark test target.
// All the targets are generated from here:
string benchmark = 5;
// The story is usually a test case that runs a set of actions in a certain scenario, and
// collects performance histogram data to analyze.
string story = 6;
string chart = 7;
// TODO(b/322202740) This field is used by catapult and should eventually be deprecated.
// Use aggregation_method instead.
string statistic = 8;
// Comparison Magnitude is the expected absolute difference of a potential regression.
string comparison_magnitude = 9;
// The Change (Commits + Patch) to apply to every change for all the subsequence runs.
string pin = 10;
// The Monorail project ID.
string project = 11;
// The monorail issue id number to post updates to.
string bug_id = 12;
// The user email who triggers the job.
string user = 13;
// The mechanism in which benchmark measurements are aggregated by.
// One of sum, mean, min, max count, and std. If left blank, then
// no aggregation takes place and all of the raw values will be used.
string aggregation_method = 14;
// StoryTags is a comma delimited string of tags to pass for the story.
// For example, "all", "representative_win_desktop" or "2019,2018".
string story_tags = 15;
// The minimum number of test iterations run.
string initial_attempt_count = 16;
// A JSON string encoded key-value pairs used to filter the Jobs listings.
string tags = 17;
// The improvement direction of the measurement.
// Is either Up, Down, or Unknown.
string improvement_direction = 18;
message QueryBisectRequest {
string job_id = 1;
message CancelJobRequest {
string job_id = 1;
string reason = 2;
message CancelJobResponse {
string job_id = 1;
string state = 2;
message Commit {
string git_hash = 1;
string repository = 2;
string url = 3;
string author = 4;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 5;
string subject = 6;
string message = 7;
string commit_branch = 8;
int32 commit_position = 9;
string review_url = 10;
string change_id = 11;
message CombinedCommit {
Commit main = 1;
repeated Commit modified_deps = 2;
// Culprit contains the culprit commit and also the commit prior to the culprit.
// Culprit verification needs to verify there is a real regression between the culprit
// the the prior commit (A-1 vs A). Bisection writes this information as part of the
// culprit finder workflow.
message Culprit {
CombinedCommit prior = 1; // the commit prior to the culprit
CombinedCommit culprit = 2; // the culprit commit
message BisectExecution {
string job_id = 1;
// TODO(b/322203189): replace this with detailed_culprit. This field is used by the
// catapult bisect UI write.
repeated CombinedCommit culprits = 2;
// Although this field is used only in culprit verification, bisection needs to pass
// the commit prior to the culprit to the culprit verification step.
repeated Culprit detailed_culprits = 3;
// SchedulePairwiseRequest contains the input to schedule a pairwise job used
// in regression and culprit verification. This request uses a subset of the params
// used in Pinpoint try jobs. Pairwise can check for regressions between two commits
// that are located in repos outside of chromium/src. This use case is particularly
// important for verifying culprits that are located in DEPS rolls.
// The params used are defined here:
// dashboard/services/;drc=2b42d43ff4989182d28de40ad4ed0dc82356c0f7;l=35
// The params are defined based off of the keys used in catapult.
// TODO(b/346836299): Add user-facing try job request params to this request.
// i.e. extra-browser-args
message SchedulePairwiseRequest {
CombinedCommit start_commit = 1;
CombinedCommit end_commit = 2;
// The builder/bot configuration name, this usually specifies the builder that can trigger
// the build.
string configuration = 3 [json_name = "bot_name"];
// The Chrome perf benchmark test target.
string benchmark = 4;
// The story is usually a test case that runs a set of actions in a certain scenario, and
// collects performance histogram data to analyze.
string story = 5;
string chart = 6 [json_name = "measurement"];
// The mechanism in which benchmark measurements are aggregated by.
// One of sum, mean, min, max count, and std. If left blank, then
// no aggregation takes place and all of the raw values will be used.
string aggregation_method = 7;
string target = 8; // probably unnecessary, we can infer this
// The Monorail project ID.
string project = 9;
// The buganizer issue id number to post updates to.
string bug_id = 10;
// The minimum number of test iterations run. Default is 30
string initial_attempt_count = 11;
// The improvement direction of the measurement.
// Is either Up, Down, or Unknown.
string improvement_direction = 12 [json_name = "improvement_dir"];
message PairwiseExecution {
// significant regression / culprit if true
bool significant = 1;
string job_id = 2;
message WilcoxonResult {
double p_value = 1;
double confidence_interval_lower = 2;
double confidence_interval_higher = 3;
double control_median = 4;
double treatment_median = 5;
WilcoxonResult statistic = 3;
// The culprit is only populated on culprit verification workflows
// and if the result is significant
CombinedCommit culprit = 4;
// ScheduleCulpritFinderRequest contains the input to schedule an E2E anomaly to culprits
// workflow. This workflow consists of a regression verification step, a bisection to find
// culprits, and a culprit verification step.
// This workflow is also known as the sandwich verification workflow.
// This workflow assumes that the culprit is detected on chromium/src and does not
// support start and end git hashes on other repos.
message ScheduleCulpritFinderRequest {
string start_git_hash = 1;
string end_git_hash = 2;
// The builder/bot configuration name.
string configuration = 3 [json_name = "bot_name"];
// The Chrome perf benchmark test target.
string benchmark = 4;
// The story is usually a test case that runs a set of actions in a certain scenario, and
// collects performance histogram data to analyze.
string story = 5;
string chart = 6 [json_name = "measurement"];
// The statistic, if there is one, aggregates measurement values into a single data point.
// TODO(b/322202740) This field is used by catapult and should eventually be deprecated.
// Use aggregation_method instead.
string statistic = 7;
// The mechanism in which benchmark measurements are aggregated by.
// One of sum, mean, min, max count, and std. If left blank, then
// no aggregation takes place and all of the raw values will be used.
string aggregation_method = 8;
// The improvement direction of the measurement.
// Is either Up, Down, or Unknown.
string improvement_direction = 9 [json_name = "improvement_dir"];
// The comparison magnitude is the expected absolute difference of a potential regression.
// This parameter is used in bisection.
string comparison_magnitude = 10;
// The buganizer issue id number to post updates to. This is a legacy feature.
string bug_id = 11;
// When the culprit finding workflow finds one or more culprits, it will invoke
// the ProcessCulpritWorkflow using the params below
message CulpritProcessingCallbackParams {
// AnomalyGroupID is a string ID of the anomaly group for which an auto-bisection
// task is created.
string anomaly_group_id = 1;
// CulpritServiceUrl is a URL to call the culprit services.
string culprit_service_url = 2;
// Temporal task queue is where the culprit processing workflow should be put.
string temporal_task_queue_name = 3;
message CulpritFinderExecution {
string job_id = 1;
// If true, regression_verified means there is a regression
bool regression_verified = 2;
repeated CombinedCommit culprits = 3;
// See LegacyJobResponse below
message LegacyJobRequest {
string job_id = 1;
// This is a direct mapping from /api/job in catapult.
// This is backward compatible support before the service in catapult is completely shut down.
// Note that there is not schema definition so the output structure is more or less
// a guess from the response. Example output:
message LegacyJobResponse {
string job_id = 1;
string configuration = 2;
string results_url = 3;
int32 improvement_direction = 4;
message Argument {
string comparison_mode = 1;
string target = 2;
string start_git_hash = 3;
string end_git_hash = 4;
string trace = 5;
map<string,string> tags = 6;
int32 initial_attempt_count = 7;
string configuration = 8;
string benchmark = 9;
string story = 10;
string story_tags = 11;
string chart = 12;
string statistic = 13;
double comparison_magnitude = 14;
string extra_test_args = 15;
string pin = 16;
string project = 17;
string bug_id = 18;
string batch_id = 19;
Argument arguments = 5;
string bug_id = 6;
string project = 7;
string comparison_mode = 8;
string name = 9;
string user = 10;
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 11;
google.protobuf.Timestamp updated = 12;
google.protobuf.Timestamp started_time = 13;
int32 difference_count = 14;
string exception = 15;
string status = 16;
string cancel_reason = 17;
string batch_id = 18;
repeated string bots = 19;
string metric = 20;
repeated string quests = 21;
message State {
message Change {
repeated Commit commits = 1;
Change change = 1;
message Attempt {
message Execution {
bool completed = 1;
string exception = 2;
message Detail {
string key = 1;
string value = 2;
string url = 3;
repeated Detail details = 3;
repeated Execution executions = 1;
// This key is not actually supported by Catapult's response here, but
// the values of each attempt is needed to populate data back on the UI.
repeated double result_values = 2;
repeated Attempt attempts = 2;
message Comparison {
string next = 1;
string prev = 2;
Comparison comparisons = 3;
repeated double values = 4;
repeated State state = 22;
string skia_workflow_url = 23;
service Pinpoint {
rpc ScheduleBisection(ScheduleBisectRequest) returns (BisectExecution) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/pinpoint/v1/bisection"
additional_bindings {
post: "/pinpoint/v1/schedule"
rpc CancelJob(CancelJobRequest) returns (CancelJobResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/pinpoint/v1/cancel"
rpc QueryBisection(QueryBisectRequest) returns (BisectExecution) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/pinpoint/v1/query"
rpc LegacyJobQuery(LegacyJobRequest) returns (LegacyJobResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = {
get: "/pinpoint/v1/legacy-job"
rpc SchedulePairwise(SchedulePairwiseRequest) returns (PairwiseExecution) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/pinpoint/v1/pairwise"
rpc ScheduleCulpritFinder(ScheduleCulpritFinderRequest) returns (CulpritFinderExecution) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/pinpoint/v1/culprit-finder"