| # MacOS file system attributes |
| *.DS_Store |
| # Compiled python files. |
| *.pyc |
| # Files open in vi. |
| *.swp |
| # Compiled cfg files. |
| *.cfgc |
| # gclient files |
| .gclient* |
| # recipe DEPS |
| infra/bots/.recipe_deps |
| # common code |
| **/res/common |
| # TAGS |
| *TAGS |
| *tags |
| # Files used by bugdroid. |
| .bugdroid_password |
| services/bugdroid/bugdroid_log.txt |
| # Data files used by webpages_playback.py |
| # Eclipse project files |
| .project |
| .pydevproject |
| **/client_secret.json |
| **/client_secret_swarming.json |
| **/client_secret_skia-buildbots.json |
| **/client_secret_skia-swarming-bots.json |
| **/service-account.json |
| **/google_storage_token.data |
| **/gcloud_token.data |
| **/gcloud_token_skia-buildbots.data |
| **/gcloud_token_skia-swarming-bots.data |
| google_oauth_token.data |
| oauth-token.cache |
| # Node related directories |
| node_modules |
| # Sublime project files |
| *.sublime-project |
| *.sublime-workspace |
| # IntelliJ GoLand project files |
| .idea |
| *.iml |
| # Generated for Go package. |
| pdfium/build |
| # Generated by the 'absent' tool |
| prometheus/sys/absent.rules |
| # Server executables/config |
| **/res/vul/ |
| **/res/js/core-debug.js |
| **/res/js/core.js |
| fuzzer/res/css/fuzzer.css |
| fuzzer/third_party |
| perf/bqtoken.data |
| perf/res/css/perf.css |
| perf/res/common |
| perf/third_party |
| perf/timestamp.json |
| perf/local.toml |
| perf/client_secrets.json |
| perf/go/ingester/testdata/local-ingest-test/ |
| push/third_party |
| push/res/common |
| sksysmon/third_party |
| sksysmon/res/common |
| doc/res/common |
| doc/res/css/docs.css |
| doc/third_party |
| alertserver/third_party |
| status/third_party |
| android_ingest/third_party |
| android_compile/third_party |
| # Ignore all SQLite databases, because tests will create their own unique ones. |
| *.db |
| fiddle/fiddle_secwrap |
| fiddle/res/css |
| prometheus/tmp |
| # Jupyter |
| .ipynb_checkpoints |
| # Prober |
| prober/allprobers.json5 |
| # Push |
| push/allskiapush.json5 |
| # AP |
| dist |
| # lottiecap |
| lottiecap/filmstrip.png |
| # promk |
| promk/tmp |
| promk/tmpconf |
| promk/prometheus/absent_*.yml |
| # kube |
| **/chat_config.txt |
| .vscode |
| tracedb/build |
| skolo/build |
| # Symlinks. |
| autoroll/res/res |
| status/res/res |
| status/res/imp/task_driver_sk-bundle.css |
| status/res/imp/task_driver_sk-bundle.js |
| gold-client/build |
| |
| # gitignore template for Bazel build system |
| # website: https://bazel.build/ |
| |
| # Ignore all _bazel_* symlinks. There is no full list since this can change |
| # based on the name of the directory bazel is cloned into. Note that the prefix |
| # is set in .bazelrc. |
| _bazel_* |
| |
| # Puppeteer downloads things (e.g. Chrome) to this folder when installing |
| puppeteer-tests/chrome_cache |