tree: f806d2bc172d0adc59825ad9eed9b4798ae5bec5 [path history] [tgz]
  1. docker/
  2. output/
  3. .gitignore
  4. Makefile
  5. package-lock.json
  6. package.json
  8. tsconfig.json
  10. util.ts
  11. util_test.ts

Puppeteer Tests

This directory contains utility functions and infrastructure for JavaScript tests that that make use of Puppeteer. Puppeteer is a Node.js library that provides an API to instantiate and control a headless Chromium browser. Most things that can be done manually in the browser can be done using Puppeteer.

Examples of tests that make use of Puppeteer might include:

  • Screenshot-grabbing tests. In the case of lit-html components, such a test might perform the following steps:

    1. Load the component's demo page on a headless Chromium instance.
    2. Perform some basic assertions on the structure of the webpage to make sure it loads correctly.
    3. Grab screenshots.
    4. Upload those screenshots to the Skia Infra Gold instance.
  • Integration tests. For example:

    1. Fire up a Go web server configured to use fake/mock instances of its dependencies.
      • e.g. use the Firestore emulator instead of hitting GCP.
      • Ideally in a hermetic way for increased speed and reduced flakiness.
    2. Drive the app with Puppeteer (e.g. by clicking on things, using the browser's back and forward buttons, etc.). Make assertions along the way.
    3. Optionally grab screenshots and upload them to Gold.

Running Puppeteer tests

First, make sure to run npm ci from //puppeteer-tests if you haven't already.

Execute make puppeteer-tests from this repository's root directory. This will run all Puppeteer tests in the buildbot repository inside a Docker container.

(If the container image is missing, please run make container from //puppeteer-tests/docker.)

Adding new tests

If your application isn't already configured to run its Puppeteer tests as part of the Infra-PerCommit-Puppeteer tryjob, please edit //puppeteer-tests/docker/ and make any necessary changes. See below for more.

How to write Puppeteer tests

Puppeteer tests run on Node.js and are assumed to use the Mocha test runner.

Puppeteer tests make use of the utility functions defined in //puppeteer-tests/util.js to launch a Puppeteer instance and take screenshots.

Screenshots will be found at //puppeteer-tests/output after the tests finish. The Infra-PerCommit-Puppeteer tryjob will upload to Gold any screenshots found in this directory, using the file name as the test name (excluding the .png extension).

The best way to learn how to write Puppeteer tests is by example. See //golden/**/*_puppeteer_test.js for some.

Test naming scheme

The recommended naming scheme for screenshots is <application>_<component-name-sk>_<scenario>. This is to avoid name collisions and to be consistent with existing tests.

For example, tests for Gold's dots-sk component are named as follows:

  • gold_dots-sk (default view).
  • gold_dots-sk_highlighted (mouse over).

Debugging tips

Run npx mocha from your application's subdirectory to execute Puppeteer tests locally (outside of Docker). Examples:

# First we "cd" into Gold's subdirectory, as we will only run Gold tests below.
cd golden

# Run all of Gold's Puppeteer tests.
npx mocha ./**/*_puppeteer_test.js

# Run all tests containing "dots-sk" in their name.
npx mocha ./**/*_puppeteer_test.js -g dots-sk

# Wait for a debugger to attach to the Node process before running the tests.
npx mocha ./**/*_puppeteer_test.js --inspect-brk

Docker container

To reduce flakiness, the Infra-PerCommit-Puppeteer tryjob runs all Puppeteer tests run inside the Docker container. This container is based on the node:12.13 image and includes some additional dependencies required by Puppeteer.

The container is defined in //puppeteer-tests/docker/Dockerfile, and can be rebuilt by running make container from the //puppeteer-tests/docker directory.

To push a new version of the container to the GCP's Container Registry, please run make push.

How the Infra-PerCommit-Puppeteer tryjob works

This tryjob is orchestrated by the //infra/bots/recipe/ recipe, which performs the following steps:

  1. It runs make puppeteer-tests from the root directory of the checked out repository.
    1. This runs the Docker container.
    2. The checked out repository at /src, and the //puppeteer-tests/output directory is mounted at /out.
    3. Script //puppeteer-tests/docker/ is executed inside the container.
    4. This script copies any files required to run the Puppeteer tests from /src to /tests inside the container, installs the Node dependencies with npm ci and runs the tests with npx mocha.
  2. After the tests finish running, it executes the //puppeteer-tests/ script, which invokes goldctl with any screenshots found in //puppeteer-tests/output.

Enabling Puppeteer tests for your application

In order to include an application's Puppeteer tests in the Infra-PerCommit-Puppeteer tryjob, file //puppeteer-tests/docker/ must copy any necessary files into the Docker container, install any necessary dependencies and actually run the tests.

This is done in three steps:

  1. Make a new directory inside /tests, e.g. /tests/my-app, and copy the necessary files from //my-app in the repository.
  2. Run npm ci from /tests/my-app.
  3. Run the Mocha test runner from /tests/my-app, e.g. npx mocha /tests/**/*_puppeteer_test.js.