blob: e700eea874ed25d6cb2da56d72dc102079959830 [file] [log] [blame]
* @module module/sort-sk
* @description <h2><code>sort-sk</code></h2>
* Allows sorting the members of the indicated element by the values of the
* data attributes.
* Add children to <sort-sk> that generate click events and that have child
* content, such as buttons. Add a data-key * attribute to each child element
* that indicates which data-* attribute the children should be sorted on.
* Note that all sorting is done numerically, unless the
* 'data-sort-type=alpha' attribute is set on the element generating the
* click, in which case the sorting is done alphabetically.
* Additionally a single child element can have a data-default attribute with
* a value of 'up' or 'down' to indicate the default sorting that already
* exists in the data.
* @example An example usage, that will present two buttons to sort the contents of
* div#stuffToBeSorted.
* <sort-sk target=stuffToBeSorted>
* <button data-key=clustersize data-default=down>Cluster Size </button>
* <button data-key=stepsize data-sort-type=alpha>Name</button>
* </sort-sk>
* <div id=stuffToBeSorted>
* <div data-clustersize=10 data-name=foo></div>
* <div data-clustersize=50 data-name=bar></div>
* ...
* </div>
* @attr target - The id of the container element whose children are to be sorted.
import { html, render } from 'lit-html'
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk'
import { $, $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom'
import 'elements-sk/icon/arrow-drop-down-icon-sk'
import 'elements-sk/icon/arrow-drop-up-icon-sk'
// The states to move each button through on a click.
const toggle = {
'': 'down',
'down': 'up',
'up': 'down',
// Functions to pass to sort().
const f_alpha_up = (x, y) => {
if (x.value === y.value) {
return 0;
return x.value > y.value ? 1 : -1;
const f_alpha_down = (x, y) => f_alpha_up(y, x);
const f_num_up = (x, y) => (x.value - y.value);
const f_num_down = (x, y) => f_num_up(y, x);
window.customElements.define('sort-sk', class extends ElementSk {
connectedCallback() {
$('[data-key]', this).forEach((ele) => {
// Only attach the icons once.
if (ele.querySelector('arrow-drop-down-icon-sk')) {
ele.addEventListener('click', (e) => this._clickHandler(e));
// Handle a default value if one has been set.
const def = $$('[data-default]', this);
if (def) {
this._setSortClass(def, def.dataset.default);
_setSortClass(ele, value) {
ele.setAttribute('data-sort-sk', value);
_clearSortClass(ele) {
_getSortClass(ele) {
return ele.getAttribute('data-sort-sk') || '';
_clickHandler(e) {
let ele =;
while (ele.parentNode !== this) {
ele = ele.parentNode;
const dir = toggle[this._getSortClass(ele)];
$('[data-key]', this).forEach((e) => {
this._setSortClass(ele, dir);
// Remember the direction we are sorting in.
let up = dir === 'up';
// Are we sorting alphabetically or numerically.
let alpha = ele.dataset.sortType === 'alpha';
// Sort the children of the element at #target.
let sortBy = ele.dataset.key;
let container = this.parentElement.querySelector(`#${this.getAttribute('target')}`);
let arr = [];
for (const ele of container.children) {
let value = ele.dataset[sortBy];
if (!alpha) {
value = +value;
value: value,
node: ele
// Pick the desired sort function.
let f = f_alpha_up;
if (alpha) {
f = up ? f_alpha_up : f_alpha_down;
} else {
f = up ? f_num_up : f_num_down;
// Rearrange the elements in the sorted order.
arr.forEach((e) => {