blob: 98cc336f695e1d8b03a0bbee5036bfab92a68d8f [file] [log] [blame]
package cleanup
Utilities for signal handing.
import (
var (
intHandler *signalHandler
// signalHandler is a struct which manages multiple callback functions for a
// set of signals.
type signalHandler struct {
callbacks []func()
chDisable chan bool
chSignals chan os.Signal
mtx sync.Mutex
signals []os.Signal
// newHandler creates and returns a signalHandler for the given signal.
func newHandler(sigs ...os.Signal) *signalHandler {
return &signalHandler{
callbacks: []func(){},
chDisable: make(chan bool, 1),
chSignals: make(chan os.Signal, 1),
signals: sigs,
// Disable signal handling for this signalHandler.
func (sh *signalHandler) disable() {
sh.chDisable <- true
// Enable signal handling for this signalHandler.
func (sh *signalHandler) enable() {
signal.Notify(sh.chSignals, sh.signals...)
var once sync.Once
go func() {
select {
case sig := <-sh.chSignals:
once.Do(func() {
defer sh.mtx.Unlock()
sklog.Warningf("Caught %s", sig)
for _, fn := range sh.callbacks {
func() {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
sklog.Errorf("Panic during handler for signal %s: %s", sig, r)
// Exit with the correct code, according to:
// Note: if not for this line, signalHandler could be
// made public so that it could be used to handle any
// signal, eg. SIGUSR1, for whatever reason. Since we
// generally use HTTP endpoints for communication
// between servers, we don't anticipate needing it, so
// this is left here for simplicity under the assumption
// that we only handle signals which should cause us to
// exit.
os.Exit(128 + int(sig.(syscall.Signal)))
case <-sh.chDisable:
// addCallback adds a callback function to run when a given signal is received.
// Each callback will only run once, even if multiple signals are received.
func (sh *signalHandler) addCallback(fn func()) {
defer sh.mtx.Unlock()
sh.callbacks = append(sh.callbacks, fn)
// Enable signal handling for the cleanup package.
func Enable() {
// Disable signal handling for the cleanup package.
func Disable() {
// onInterrupt runs the given function when any of syscall.SIGINT or
// syscall.SIGTERM is received. The function will only run once, even if more
// than one signal is received.
func onInterrupt(fn func()) {