blob: bd3bc075b2105dcfafb3a9e0788c95d2f42b9ab4 [file] [log] [blame]
package db
import (
const (
testDBKey = "test_key"
testChangeNum = int64(123)
func TestGetKey(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
sourceRepo string
sourceBranch string
targetRepo string
targetBranch string
changeNum int64
expectedKey string
sourceRepo: "skia",
sourceBranch: "chrome/m100",
targetRepo: "skia",
targetBranch: "android/next-release",
changeNum: 1000,
expectedKey: "skia-chrome-m100_skia-android-next-release_1000",
sourceRepo: "skia",
sourceBranch: "chrome",
targetRepo: "skiabot",
targetBranch: "test1/test2/test3",
changeNum: 2000,
expectedKey: "skia-chrome_skiabot-test1-test2-test3_2000",
for _, test := range tests {
require.Equal(t, test.expectedKey, GetKey(test.sourceRepo, test.sourceBranch, test.targetRepo, test.targetBranch, test.changeNum))
// newDBClientForTesting returns a FirestoreDB client and ensures that it will
// connect to the Firestore emulator. The Client's instance name will be
// randomized to ensure concurrent tests don't interfere with each other. It also
// returns a CleanupFunc that closes the Client.
func newDBClientForTesting(ctx context.Context, t sktest.TestingT) (*FirestoreDB, util.CleanupFunc) {
c, cleanup := testutils.NewClientForTesting(ctx, t)
return &FirestoreDB{
client: c,
}, cleanup
func TestGetFromDB_EmptyResults_NoErrors(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
db, cleanup := newDBClientForTesting(ctx, t)
defer cleanup()
// DB should be empty.
cherrypickData, err := db.GetFromDB(ctx, testDBKey)
require.Nil(t, cherrypickData)
require.Nil(t, err)
func TestPutInDB_OneEntry_ExpectedChangeNum(t *testing.T) {
db, cleanup := newDBClientForTesting(context.Background(), t)
defer cleanup()
ctx := context.Background()
// DB should be empty. Add one entry.
err := db.PutInDB(ctx, testDBKey, testChangeNum)
require.Nil(t, err)
// Get the added entry and assert.
cherrypickData, err := db.GetFromDB(ctx, testDBKey)
require.Equal(t, testChangeNum, cherrypickData.ChangeNumber)
require.Nil(t, err)