blob: 5c9e761c4b1ce4838cc50893b60944d6253274a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package main implements the revportforward cli. See the Usage function below for details.
package main
import (
_ ""
// flags
var (
logging = flag.Bool("logging", true, "Control logging.")
podName = flag.String("pod_name", "", "Name of the pod to reverse port-forward from.")
podPort = flag.Int("pod_port", -1, "The port on the pod.")
localAddress = flag.String("local_address", "", `The address to forward the connection to, for example: "localhost:22".`)
useNcRev = flag.Bool("use_ncrev", true, "Use ncrev instead of netcat (nc).")
func init() {
flag.Usage = func() {
fmt.Printf("Usage: %s <flags>\n\n", os.Args[0])
fmt.Printf(`revportforward make a reverse port-forward from a k8s pod to local address.
Setting up a port-forward from a kubernetes pod is simple:
$ kubectl port-forward mypod 8888:5000
The above will setup a port-forward, i.e. it will listen on port 8888
locally, forwarding the traffic to 5000 in the pod named "mypod".
What is more involved is setting up a port-forward in the reverse direction,
which this application does. Note that for this application to work, netcat
(nc) must be installed in the pod.
$ revportforward --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/config \
--pod_name=switch-pod-2 \
--pod_port=9000 \
Which will set up a connection from switch-pod-2:9000 to localhost:22,
which means an app running in switch-pod-2 can ssh to your desktop
machine simply by running:
$ ssh -p 9000
func exitWithUsageAndMessage(msg string) {
func main() {
if *podName == "" {
exitWithUsageAndMessage("The --pod_name flag is required.")
if *podPort == -1 {
exitWithUsageAndMessage("The --pod_port flag is required.")
if *localAddress == "" {
exitWithUsageAndMessage("The --local_address flag is required.")
r, err := revportforward.New(kubeconfig.Config, *localAddress, *useNcRev)
if err != nil {
ctx := context.Background()
for {
sklog.Info("Starting connection.")
if err := r.Start(ctx, *podName, *podPort); err != nil {