blob: 3087a46608aeb70627afd24d1bf93c7309d37002 [file] [log] [blame]
package rpc
import (
status_mocks ""
ts_mocks ""
const testUser = ""
type mocks struct {
capacityClient *status_mocks.CapacityClient
incrementalCache *status_mocks.IncrementalCache
remoteDB *ts_mocks.RemoteDB
func (m mocks) AssertExpectations(t *testing.T) {
func setupServerWithMockCapacityClient() (context.Context, mocks, *statusServerImpl) {
mocks := mocks{capacityClient: &status_mocks.CapacityClient{}, incrementalCache: &status_mocks.IncrementalCache{}, remoteDB: &ts_mocks.RemoteDB{}}
ctx := login.FakeLoggedInAs(context.Background(), testUser)
allow := allowed.NewAllowedFromList([]string{testUser})
login.FakeAllows(allow, allow, allow)
return ctx, mocks, newStatusServerImpl(
func() *GetAutorollerStatusesResponse {
return &GetAutorollerStatusesResponse{
Rollers: []*AutorollerStatus{
Name: "android",
CurrentRollRev: "def",
LastRollRev: "abc",
Mode: "running",
NumFailed: 0,
NumBehind: 3,
Url: "",
Name: "chrome",
CurrentRollRev: "def",
LastRollRev: "123",
Mode: "paused",
NumFailed: 3,
NumBehind: 17,
Url: "",
func(string) (string, string, error) { return "", "skia", nil },
// incrementalUpdate returns a filled incremental.Update. The update contains a single commit
// 'abc123', and a task that covers it and its parent 'def456'. There is a branch label pointing to
// each of those commits, and one each of task comment, commit comment, and taskspec comment.
func incrementalUpdate(ts time.Time, startover bool) *incremental.Update {
newTrue := func() *bool { b := true; return &b }
ret := &incremental.Update{
Timestamp: ts,
// Make sure nontrivial data is transferred.
// Branches.
BranchHeads: []*git.Branch{
{Name: "b1", Head: "abc123"},
{Name: "b2", Head: "def456"},
// Commits.
Commits: []*vcsinfo.LongCommit{
ShortCommit: &vcsinfo.ShortCommit{
Hash: "abc123",
Author: "",
Subject: "a change at head",
Parents: []string{"def456"},
Timestamp: ts,
// Tasks
Tasks: []*incremental.Task{
Commits: []string{"abc123", "def456"},
Name: "Test_Android27_Metal",
Id: "999",
Revision: "abc123",
Status: "SUCCESS",
SwarmingTaskId: "555",
// Comments
CommitComments: map[string][]*incremental.CommitComment{
"abc123": {
CommitComment: types.CommitComment{
Repo: "skia",
Revision: "abc123",
Timestamp: ts,
User: "",
IgnoreFailure: true,
Message: "Commenting",
Deleted: newTrue(),
Id: "7",
TaskSpecComments: map[string][]*incremental.TaskSpecComment{
"My_Task_Spec": {
TaskSpecComment: types.TaskSpecComment{
Repo: "skia",
Name: "My_Task_Spec",
Timestamp: ts,
User: "",
IgnoreFailure: true,
Message: "Commenting",
Deleted: newTrue(),
Flaky: true,
Id: "8",
TaskComments: map[string]map[string][]*incremental.TaskComment{
"abc123": {
"My_Task_Spec": {
TaskComment: types.TaskComment{
Repo: "skia",
Revision: "abc123",
Name: "My_Task_Spec",
Timestamp: ts,
User: "",
Message: "Commenting",
Deleted: newTrue(),
TaskId: "7777",
Id: "9",
// StartOver, Urls
StartOver: newTrue(),
if !startover {
f := false
ret.StartOver = &f
return ret
// matchTime produces a matcher function to be used by mock.MatchedBy() that matches a time.Time,
// adjusting for timezone.
func matchTime(t *testing.T, ts time.Time) interface{} {
return mock.MatchedBy(func(arg time.Time) bool {
assert.True(t, ts.Equal(arg))
return true
func TestGetIncrementalCommits_FreshLoad_ValidResponse(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
// Use same times everywhere for ease of testing.
ts := time.Now()
tspb := timestamppb.New(ts)
mocks.incrementalCache.On("GetAll", "skia", 10).Return(incrementalUpdate(ts, true), nil).Once()
req := &GetIncrementalCommitsRequest{
N: 10,
Pod: "mypod",
RepoPath: "skia",
resp, err := server.GetIncrementalCommits(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, &GetIncrementalCommitsResponse{
Metadata: &ResponseMetadata{
StartOver: true,
Pod: "mypod",
Timestamp: tspb,
Update: &IncrementalUpdate{
Commits: []*LongCommit{
Hash: "abc123",
Author: "",
Subject: "a change at head",
Parents: []string{
Body: "",
Timestamp: tspb,
BranchHeads: []*Branch{
Name: "b1",
Head: "abc123",
Name: "b2",
Head: "def456",
Tasks: []*Task{
Commits: []string{
Name: "Test_Android27_Metal",
Id: "999",
Revision: "abc123",
Status: "SUCCESS",
SwarmingTaskId: "555",
Comments: []*Comment{
Id: "7",
Repo: "skia",
Timestamp: tspb,
User: "",
Message: "Commenting",
Deleted: true,
IgnoreFailure: true,
Flaky: false,
TaskSpecName: "",
TaskId: "",
Commit: "abc123",
Id: "8",
Repo: "skia",
Timestamp: tspb,
User: "",
Message: "Commenting",
Deleted: true,
IgnoreFailure: true,
Flaky: true,
TaskSpecName: "My_Task_Spec",
TaskId: "",
Commit: "",
Id: "9",
Repo: "skia",
Timestamp: tspb,
User: "",
Message: "Commenting",
Deleted: true,
IgnoreFailure: false,
Flaky: false,
TaskSpecName: "My_Task_Spec",
TaskId: "7777",
Commit: "abc123",
}, resp)
func TestGetIncrementalCommits_IncrementalCall_UsesCacheCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
ts := time.Now()
mocks.incrementalCache.On("Get", "skia", matchTime(t, ts), 10).Return(incrementalUpdate(ts, false), nil).Once()
req := &GetIncrementalCommitsRequest{
N: 10,
Pod: "mypod",
RepoPath: "skia",
From: timestamppb.New(ts),
result, err := server.GetIncrementalCommits(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Here we're only testing that incrementalCache is correctly used, the conversion logic is
// already tested in other methods, so we just do a spot check here.
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(result.Update.BranchHeads))
func TestGetIncrementalCommits_RangeCall_UsesCacheCorrectly(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
ts := time.Now()
from := ts.Add(-60 * time.Minute)
matchTo := matchTime(t, ts)
matchFrom := matchTime(t, from)
mocks.incrementalCache.On("GetRange", "skia", matchFrom, matchTo, 10).Return(incrementalUpdate(ts, false), nil).Once()
req := &GetIncrementalCommitsRequest{
N: 10,
Pod: "mypod",
RepoPath: "skia",
To: timestamppb.New(ts),
From: timestamppb.New(from),
result, err := server.GetIncrementalCommits(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Here we're only testing that incrementalCache is correctly used, the conversion logic is
// already tested in other methods, so we just do a spot check here.
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(result.Update.BranchHeads))
func TestGetAutorollerStatuses_ValidResponse(t *testing.T) {
ctx, _, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
resp, err := server.GetAutorollerStatuses(ctx, &GetAutorollerStatusesRequest{})
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, &GetAutorollerStatusesResponse{
Rollers: []*AutorollerStatus{
Name: "android",
CurrentRollRev: "def",
LastRollRev: "abc",
Mode: "running",
NumFailed: 0,
NumBehind: 3,
Url: "",
Name: "chrome",
CurrentRollRev: "def",
LastRollRev: "123",
Mode: "paused",
NumFailed: 3,
NumBehind: 17,
Url: "",
}, resp)
func TestAddComment_TaskSpecComment_Added(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
matchComment := mock.MatchedBy(func(c *types.TaskSpecComment) bool {
assert.Equal(t, "skia", c.Repo)
assert.Equal(t, "Build-A-Thing", c.Name)
assert.Equal(t, true, c.IgnoreFailure)
assert.Equal(t, "Adding a comment", c.Message)
return true
mocks.remoteDB.On("PutTaskSpecComment", testutils.AnyContext, matchComment).Return(nil).Once()
mocks.incrementalCache.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, false).Return(nil).Once()
req := &AddCommentRequest{
Repo: "skia",
Message: "Adding a comment",
Flaky: false,
IgnoreFailure: true,
TaskSpec: "Build-A-Thing",
_, err := server.AddComment(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestAddComment_NotLoggedIn_ErrorReturned(t *testing.T) {
_, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
ctx := login.FakeLoggedInAs(context.Background(), "")
req := &AddCommentRequest{
Repo: "skia",
Message: "Adding a comment",
Flaky: false,
IgnoreFailure: true,
TaskSpec: "Build-A-Thing",
_, err := server.AddComment(ctx, req)
require.Error(t, err)
func TestAddComment_TaskComment_Added(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
On("GetTaskById", testutils.AnyContext, "abcdefg").Return(&types.Task{
TaskKey: types.TaskKey{
RepoState: types.RepoState{
Repo: "taskRepo",
Revision: "deadbeef",
Name: "Test-Something",
Id: "abcdefg",
}, nil).Once()
matchComment := mock.MatchedBy(func(c *types.TaskComment) bool {
// Note: values are taken from the returned task, not the request.
assert.Equal(t, "abcdefg", c.TaskId)
assert.Equal(t, "deadbeef", c.Revision)
assert.Equal(t, "taskRepo", c.Repo)
assert.Equal(t, "Test-Something", c.Name)
assert.Equal(t, "Adding a comment", c.Message)
return true
mocks.remoteDB.On("PutTaskComment", testutils.AnyContext, matchComment).Return(nil).Once()
mocks.incrementalCache.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, false).Return(nil).Once()
req := &AddCommentRequest{
Repo: "skia",
Message: "Adding a comment",
Flaky: false,
IgnoreFailure: true,
TaskId: "abcdefg",
_, err := server.AddComment(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestAddComment_CommitComment_Added(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
matchComment := mock.MatchedBy(func(c *types.CommitComment) bool {
// Note: values are taken from the returned task, not the request.
assert.Equal(t, "abc", c.Revision)
assert.Equal(t, "skia", c.Repo)
assert.Equal(t, true, c.IgnoreFailure)
assert.Equal(t, "Adding a comment", c.Message)
return true
mocks.remoteDB.On("PutCommitComment", testutils.AnyContext, matchComment).Return(nil).Once()
mocks.incrementalCache.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, false).Return(nil).Once()
req := &AddCommentRequest{
Repo: "skia",
Message: "Adding a comment",
Flaky: false,
IgnoreFailure: true,
Commit: "abc",
_, err := server.AddComment(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestDeleteComment_TaskSpecComment_Deleted(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
ts := time.Now().UTC()
mocks.remoteDB.On("DeleteTaskSpecComment", testutils.AnyContext, &types.TaskSpecComment{
Repo: "skia",
Name: "Build-A-Thing",
Timestamp: ts,
mocks.incrementalCache.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, false).Return(nil).Once()
req := &DeleteCommentRequest{
Repo: "skia",
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(ts),
TaskSpec: "Build-A-Thing",
_, err := server.DeleteComment(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestDeleteComment_TaskComment_Deleted(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
ts := time.Now().UTC()
mocks.remoteDB.On("GetTaskById", testutils.AnyContext, "abcdefg").Return(&types.Task{
TaskKey: types.TaskKey{
RepoState: types.RepoState{
Repo: "taskRepo",
Revision: "deadbeef",
Name: "Test-Something",
Id: "abcdefg",
}, nil).Once()
mocks.remoteDB.On("DeleteTaskComment", testutils.AnyContext, &types.TaskComment{
// Note: values are taken from the returned task, not the request.
Repo: "taskRepo",
Name: "Test-Something",
Revision: "deadbeef",
TaskId: "abcdefg",
Timestamp: ts,
mocks.incrementalCache.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, false).Return(nil).Once()
req := &DeleteCommentRequest{
Repo: "skia",
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(ts),
TaskId: "abcdefg",
_, err := server.DeleteComment(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestDeleteComment_CommitComment_Deleted(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
ts := time.Now().UTC()
mocks.remoteDB.On("DeleteCommitComment", testutils.AnyContext, &types.CommitComment{
Repo: "skia",
Revision: "abc",
Timestamp: ts,
mocks.incrementalCache.On("Update", testutils.AnyContext, false).Return(nil).Once()
req := &DeleteCommentRequest{
Repo: "skia",
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(ts),
Commit: "abc",
_, err := server.DeleteComment(ctx, req)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestConvertUpdate_NontrivialUpdate_Success(t *testing.T) {
ts := time.Now()
// Minimal update.
src := &incremental.Update{Timestamp: ts}
result := ConvertUpdate(src, "mypod")
require.Equal(t, &GetIncrementalCommitsResponse{
Metadata: &ResponseMetadata{
Pod: "mypod",
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(ts),
StartOver: false,
Update: &IncrementalUpdate{},
}, result)
// Make sure nontrivial data is converted.
src = incrementalUpdate(ts, true)
result = ConvertUpdate(src, "mypod")
assert.Equal(t, &GetIncrementalCommitsResponse{
Metadata: &ResponseMetadata{
Pod: "mypod",
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(ts),
StartOver: true,
Update: &IncrementalUpdate{
BranchHeads: []*Branch{
{Name: "b1", Head: "abc123"},
{Name: "b2", Head: "def456"},
Commits: []*LongCommit{
Hash: "abc123",
Author: "",
Subject: "a change at head",
Parents: []string{"def456"},
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(ts),
Tasks: []*Task{
Commits: []string{"abc123", "def456"},
Name: "Test_Android27_Metal",
Id: "999",
Revision: "abc123",
Status: "SUCCESS",
SwarmingTaskId: "555",
// Comments are flattened in the resulting IncrementalUpdate
Comments: []*Comment{
Repo: "skia",
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(ts),
User: "",
Message: "Commenting",
Deleted: true,
// Differentiated from other comments.
Id: "7",
Commit: "abc123",
Flaky: false,
IgnoreFailure: true,
TaskSpecName: "",
TaskId: "",
Repo: "skia",
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(ts),
User: "",
Message: "Commenting",
Deleted: true,
// Differentiated from other comments.
Id: "8",
Commit: "",
Flaky: true,
IgnoreFailure: true,
TaskSpecName: "My_Task_Spec",
TaskId: "",
Repo: "skia",
Timestamp: timestamppb.New(ts),
User: "",
Message: "Commenting",
Deleted: true,
// Differentiated from other comments.
Id: "9",
Commit: "abc123",
Flaky: false,
IgnoreFailure: false,
TaskSpecName: "My_Task_Spec",
TaskId: "7777",
}, result)
func TestGetBotUsage_MultipleDimensionSets_ValidResponse(t *testing.T) {
ctx, mocks, server := setupServerWithMockCapacityClient()
defer mocks.AssertExpectations(t)
"keyIgnored0": {
Dimensions: []string{
// Dimensions can include colons.
TaskAverageDurations: []capacity.TaskDuration{
AverageDuration: 5 * time.Minute,
OnCQ: true,
AverageDuration: 13 * time.Minute,
OnCQ: false,
Bots: map[string]bool{"task1": true, "task2": true, "task3": true},
"keyIgnored1": {
Dimensions: []string{
TaskAverageDurations: []capacity.TaskDuration{
AverageDuration: 5 * time.Minute,
OnCQ: false,
Bots: map[string]bool{"task4": true},
resp, err := server.GetBotUsage(ctx, &GetBotUsageRequest{})
require.NoError(t, err)
assert.ElementsMatch(t, []*BotSet{
Dimensions: map[string]string{
"gpu": "8086:3ea5-",
"os": "Windows-10-18363",
"pool": "Skia",
BotCount: 3,
CqTasks: 1,
MsPerCq: 300000,
TotalTasks: 2,
MsPerCommit: 1080000,
}, {
Dimensions: map[string]string{
"cpu": "widget5",
"device": "Pixel2",
"os": "Android",
"pool": "Skia",
BotCount: 1,
CqTasks: 0,
MsPerCq: 0,
TotalTasks: 1,
MsPerCommit: 300000,
}, resp.BotSets)