blob: 1e430a8c031680c7f6b62fadf99a199182f6b42b [file] [log] [blame]
* @module module/sort-toggle-sk
* @description <h2><code>sort-toggle-sk</code></h2>
* "forked" from sort-sk in infra-sk for performance and correctness reasons when the
* data being sorted changes.
* sort-toggle-sk renders a sort arrow on the elements marked with data-key and listens to
* clicks on those elements to change an underlying array. It triggers an event which the client
* should use to render the many templates, using map or render; whichever is more performant.
* The keys on data-key will be the fields used to sort the array of objects by.
* Clients should set data-sort-toggle-sk to be "up" or "down" on the data-key that the data will
* start off sorted in. After the data is loaded, clients are expected to call sort on this element
* to make sure the data becomes sorted.
* @evt sort-changed: The user has changed how to sort the data. The arr passed in via property
* is now sorted to match that intent.
import { define } from 'elements-sk/define';
import { $, $$ } from 'common-sk/modules/dom';
import { ElementSk } from '../../../infra-sk/modules/ElementSk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/arrow-drop-down-icon-sk';
import 'elements-sk/icon/arrow-drop-up-icon-sk';
export type SortDirection = 'down' | 'up';
// The states to move each button through on a click.
const toggle = (value: string): SortDirection => (value === 'down' ? 'up' : 'down');
export class SortToggleSk<T extends Object> extends ElementSk {
private _data: Array<T> = [];
constructor() {
super(); // There is no template to use for rendering.
connectedCallback() {
// Attach the icons, but only once.
$('[data-key]', this).forEach((ele) => {
// Only attach the icons once.
if ($$('arrow-drop-down-icon-sk', ele)) {
ele.addEventListener('click', (e) => this._clickHandler(e));
get data() {
return this._data;
set data(d: Array<T>) {
this._data = d;
private _setSortAttribute(ele: Element, value: SortDirection) {
ele.setAttribute('data-sort-toggle-sk', value);
private _clearSortAttribute(ele: Element) {
private _getSortAttribute(ele: Element) {
return ele.getAttribute('data-sort-toggle-sk') || '';
private _clickHandler(e: Event) {
let ele =! as HTMLElement;
// The click might have been on something inside the button (e.g. on the arrow-drop-up-icon-sk),
// so we want to bubble up to where the key is and set the class that displays the appropriate
// arrow.
while (!ele.hasAttribute('data-key') && ele.parentElement !== this) {
if (ele.parentElement === null) {
ele = ele.parentElement;
if (!ele.dataset.key) {
throw new DOMException('Inconsistent state: data-key must be non-empty');
const dir = toggle(this._getSortAttribute(ele));
$('[data-key]', this).forEach((e) => {
this._setSortAttribute(ele, dir);
// Sort the children of the element at #target.
const sortBy = ele.dataset.key! as keyof T;
this.sort(sortBy, dir);
* Re-sort the data by the given key in the given direction. If alpha is true, it will
* sort the data as if it were a string (using localeCompare).
sort(key: keyof T, dir: SortDirection) {
this._data.sort((a, b) => {
let left = a[key] as unknown;
let right = b[key] as unknown;
if (dir === 'down') {
[right, left] = [left, right];
if (typeof left === 'number' && typeof right === 'number') {
return left - right;
if (typeof left === 'string' && typeof right === 'string') {
return left.localeCompare(right);
throw new Error(
`Trying to sort by key "${key}", which is neither a number nor a string. ${left}, ${right}`,
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('sort-changed', { bubbles: true }));
define('sort-toggle-sk', SortToggleSk);