blob: 0cb391d81de868dbba71531e54083e50368bb8e8 [file] [log] [blame]
"""This module defines the skia_app_container macro."""
load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//container:container.bzl", "container_image", "container_push")
load("@io_bazel_rules_docker//docker/util:run.bzl", "container_run_and_commit")
load("@rules_pkg//:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")
def skia_app_container(
entrypoint = "",
run_commands_root = None,
run_commands_skia = None,
base_image = "@basealpine//image",
env = None,
default_user = "skia"):
"""Builds a Docker container for a Skia app, and generates a target to push it to GCR.
This macro produces the following:
* "<name>" target to build the Docker container with skia as default user.
* "<name>_run_root" target to execute run commands as root on the image.
root will be the default user here. Will be created only
if run_commands_root is specified.
* "<name>_run_skia" target to execute run commands as the "skia" user on the image.
Will be created only if run_commands_skia is specified.
* "push_<name>" target to push the container to GCR.
* "pushk_<name>" target to push the container to GCR, and deploy <name> to production via pushk.
# //myapp/BUILD.bazel
load("//bazel:skia_app_container.bzl", "skia_app_container")
name = "myapp",
dirs = {
"/usr/local/bin/myapp": [
["//myapp/go:mybinary", 755"],
"/usr/local/share/myapp": [
["//myapp/config:config.cfg", "644"],
["//myapp/data:data.json", "644"],
entrypoint = "/usr/local/bin/myapp/mybinary",
repository = "skia-public/myapp",
The above example will produce a Docker container based on with
the following contents:
- /usr/local/bin/myapp/mybinary (mode: 755)
- /usr/local/share/myapp/config.cfg (mode: 644)
- /usr/local/share/myapp/data.json (mode: 644)
To build the container and load it into Docker:
$ bazel run //myapp:myapp
Loaded image ID: sha256:c0decafe
Tagging c0decafe as bazel/myapp:myapp
To debug the container locally:
$ docker run bazel/myapp:myapp
$ docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh bazel/myapp:myapp
To push the container to GCR:
$ bazel run //myapp:push_myapp
Successfully pushed Docker image to
To push the app to production (assuming the app is compatible with pushk):
$ bazel run //myapp:pushk_myapp
Which is equivalent to:
$ bazel run //myapp:push_myapp
$ pushk myapp
name: Name of the rule.
repository: Name of the repository under
dirs: Contents of the container, expressed as a dictionary where the keys are directory names
within the container (e.g. "/usr/local/share/myapp"), and the values are an array of
[Bazel label, mode] tuples indicating which files should be copied into the directory (e.g.
["//myapp/go:mybinary", "755"]).
entrypoint: The entrypoint of the container, which can be a string or an array (e.g.
"/usr/local/share/myapp/mybinary", or ["/usr/local/share/myapp/mybinary", "--someflag"]).
run_commands_root: The RUN commands that should be executed on the container by the root
user. Optional.
run_commands_skia: The RUN commands that should be executed on the container by the skia
user. Optional.
base_image: The image to base the container_image on. Optional.
env: A {"var": "val"} dictionary with the environment variables to use when building the
container. Optional.
default_user: The user the container will be run with. Defaults to "skia" but some apps
like skfe requires the default user to be "root".
# According to the container_image rule's docs[1], the recommended way to place files in
# specific directories is via the pkg_tar rule.
# The below loop creates one pkg_tar rule for each file in the container.
# [1]
pkg_tars = []
i = 0
for dir in dirs:
for file, mode in dirs[dir]:
pkg_tar_name = name + "_pkg_tar_" + str(i)
i += 1
name = pkg_tar_name,
srcs = [file],
package_dir = dir,
mode = mode,
tags = ["manual"], # Exclude it from wildcard queries, e.g. "bazel build //...".
image_name = (name + "_base") if (run_commands_root or run_commands_skia) else name
name = image_name,
base = base_image,
# We cannot use an entrypoint with the container_run_and_commit rule
# required when run_commands_root or run_commands_skia is specified,
# because the commands we want to execute do not require a specific
# entrypoint.
# We will set the entrypoint back after the container_run_and_commit
# rule is executed.
entrypoint = None if (run_commands_root or run_commands_skia) else [entrypoint],
tars = pkg_tars,
user = default_user,
tags = ["manual"], # Exclude it from wildcard queries, e.g. "bazel build //...".
env = env,
if run_commands_root:
rule_name = name + "_run_root"
name = rule_name,
commands = run_commands_root,
docker_run_flags = ["--user", "root"],
image = image_name + ".tar",
tags = [
"manual", # Exclude it from wildcard queries, e.g. "bazel build //...".
# container_run_and_commit requires the docker daemon to be
# running. This is not possible inside RBE.
image_name = ":" + rule_name + "_commit.tar"
if run_commands_skia:
rule_name = name + "_run_skia"
name = rule_name,
commands = run_commands_skia,
docker_run_flags = ["--user", "skia"],
# If run_commands_root was specified then the image_name already contains
# ".tar" suffix. Make sure we do not add a double ".tar" suffix here.
image = image_name if image_name.endswith(".tar") else image_name + ".tar",
tags = [
"manual", # Exclude it from wildcard queries, e.g. "bazel build //...".
# container_run_and_commit requires the docker daemon to be
# running. This is not possible inside RBE.
image_name = ":" + rule_name + "_commit.tar"
if run_commands_root or run_commands_skia:
# If run_commands_root was specified then it's container_run_and_commit
# sets root as the default user and overrides the entrypoint.
# If run_commands_skia was specified then it overrides the entrypoint.
# Now execute container_image using the previous image as base to set
# back skia as the default user and to set back the original entrypoint.
rule_name = name
name = rule_name,
base = image_name,
entrypoint = [entrypoint],
user = default_user,
tags = ["manual"], # Exclude it from wildcard queries, e.g. "bazel build //...".
env = env,
image_name = ":" + rule_name
name = "push_" + name,
format = "Docker",
image = image_name,
registry = "",
repository = repository,
stamp = "@io_bazel_rules_docker//stamp:always",
tags = [
"manual", # Exclude it from wildcard queries, e.g. "bazel build //...".
# container_push requires the docker daemon to be
# running. This is not possible inside RBE.
# The container_push rule outputs two files: <name>, which is a script that uploads the
# container to GCR, and <name>.digest, which contains the SHA256 digest of the container.
# Because the container_push rule outputs multiple files, we cannot use $$(rootpath push_<name>)
# to get the path to <name>, so we use $$(rootpaths push_<name>), which returns the list of all
# output files, then take the base directory of an arbitrary file, and append <name> to it to
# get the path to the desired script.
pushk_script = "\n".join([
"container_push_outputs=($(rootpaths push_%s))",
"container_push_base_dir=$$(dirname $${container_push_outputs[0]})",
"$$container_push_script && $(rootpath //kube/go/pushk) %s",
]) % (name, name, name)
name = "gen_pushk_" + name,
srcs = [
"push_" + name,
outs = ["" % name],
cmd = "echo '%s' > $@" % pushk_script,
tags = ["manual"], # Exclude it from wildcard queries, e.g. "bazel build //...".
name = "pushk_" + name,
srcs = ["gen_pushk_" + name],
data = [
"push_" + name,
tags = ["manual"], # Exclude it from wildcard queries, e.g. "bazel build //...".