blob: 86a293886e99a71b81de8869a7f9360a9abaa607 [file] [log] [blame]
package main
import (
func TestBazelTargetToDockerTag(t *testing.T) {
tc := map[string]string{
"//task_scheduler:task_scheduler_jc_container": "bazel/task_scheduler:task_scheduler_jc_container",
for input, expect := range tc {
require.Equal(t, expect, bazelTargetToDockerTag(input))
func TestShallowClone_InputsThreadedThrough(t *testing.T) {
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
mock, ctx := commandCollectorWithStubbedGit(ctx)
ctx = td.WithExecRunFn(ctx, mock.Run)
// Arbitrary data that closely mirrors reality
const gitRepo = ""
const gitCommit = "aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccdd"
dir, err := shallowClone(ctx, gitRepo, gitCommit)
assert.NoError(t, err)
if err != nil {
return err
executedCommands := mock.Commands()
testutils.AssertCommandsMatch(t, [][]string{
{fakeGitPath, "--version"},
{fakeGitPath, "init"},
{fakeGitPath, "remote", "add", "origin", gitRepo},
{fakeGitPath, "fetch", "--depth=1", "origin", gitCommit},
{fakeGitPath, "checkout", "FETCH_HEAD"},
}, executedCommands)
// dir should be a temporary directory somewhere.
assert.NotEmpty(t, dir)
// Make sure dir is the working directory for all non-version git commands.
for i := 1; i < len(executedCommands); i++ {
assert.Equal(t, dir, executedCommands[1].Dir, "command index %d", i)
return nil
require.Empty(t, res.Errors)
require.Empty(t, res.Exceptions)
func TestShallowClone_FetchFailsCausesError(t *testing.T) {
res := td.RunTestSteps(t, false, func(ctx context.Context) error {
mock, ctx := commandCollectorWithStubbedGit(ctx, gitMatcher(func(command *exec.Command) error {
if len(command.Args) > 0 && command.Args[0] == "fetch" {
return errors.New("Stop trying to make fetch happen")
return nil
ctx = td.WithExecRunFn(ctx, mock.Run)
// Arbitrary data that closely mirrors reality
const gitRepo = ""
const gitCommit = "aabbccddeeff00112233445566778899aabbccdd"
_, err := shallowClone(ctx, gitRepo, gitCommit)
assert.Error(t, err)
assert.Contains(t, err.Error(), "fetch happen")
executedCommands := mock.Commands()
testutils.AssertCommandsMatch(t, [][]string{
{fakeGitPath, "--version"},
{fakeGitPath, "init"},
{fakeGitPath, "remote", "add", "origin", gitRepo},
{fakeGitPath, "fetch", "--depth=1", "origin", gitCommit},
}, executedCommands)
return nil
require.Empty(t, res.Errors)
require.Empty(t, res.Exceptions)
const fakeGitPath = "/path/to/fake/git"
type commandMatcher func(*exec.Command) error
// gitMatcher is a helper to create a commandMatcher that only listens to calls to the stubbed git.
func gitMatcher(f commandMatcher) commandMatcher {
return func(cmd *exec.Command) error {
if cmd.Name != fakeGitPath {
return nil
return f(cmd)
// commandCollectorWithStubbedGit returns an exec.CommandCollector and a context.Context configured
// to run the former instead of actually shelling out calls to our go/exec.Run*. If
// git_common.FindGit() is called with the returned function, a fake path and --version will be
// returned. If tests want to intercept other calls, they should add one or more extraMatchers.
func commandCollectorWithStubbedGit(ctx context.Context, extraMatchers ...commandMatcher) (*exec.CommandCollector, context.Context) {
mock := exec.CommandCollector{}
gitFinder := func() (string, error) {
return fakeGitPath, nil
ctx = git_common.WithGitFinder(ctx, gitFinder)
extraMatchers = append(extraMatchers, gitMatcher(func(cmd *exec.Command) error {
if len(cmd.Args) == 1 && cmd.Args[0] == "--version" {
_, _ = cmd.CombinedOutput.Write([]byte("git version"))
return nil
if len(cmd.Args) > 1 && cmd.Args[0] == "config" {
_, _ = cmd.CombinedOutput.Write([]byte(`"stubbed call to git config (e.g. git_auth.New)"`))
return nil
return nil
mock.SetDelegateRun(func(_ context.Context, command *exec.Command) error {
for _, matcher := range extraMatchers {
err := matcher(command)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
return &mock, ctx