cabe - Command-line tool for working with cabe
[--help|-h] [--logging]
cli tools for analyzing and debugging pinpoint A/B experiment tryobs using cabe
--help, -h: show help
--logging: Turn on logging while running commands.
analyze runs the analyzer process locally and pretty-prints a table of results to stdout.
--benchmark="": name of benchmark to analyze
--pinpoint-job="": ID of the pinpoint job to check
--record-to-zip="": Zip file to save replay data to
--replay-from-zip="": Zip file to replay data from
--workload="": comma separated list of names of benchmark workloads to analyze
prints diagnostic results, and an inferred experiment spec if none was specified
--benchmark="": name of benchmark to analyze
--pinpoint-job="": ID of the pinpoint job to check
--record-to-zip="": Zip file to save replay data to
--replay-from-zip="": Zip file to replay data from
--workload="": comma separated list of names of benchmark workloads to analyze
readcas reads perf results json data from RBE-CAS, located using the provided root-digest.
--benchmark="": name of benchmark to analyze
--cas-instance="": cas instance (default: projects/chrome-swarming/instances/default_instance)
--pinpoint-job="": ID of the pinpoint job to check
--record-to-zip="": Zip file to save replay data to
--replay-from-zip="": Zip file to replay data from
--root-digest="": CAS digest for the root node
--workload="": comma separated list of names of benchmark workloads to analyze
sandwich executes a verification workflow based on an existing pinpoint bisect job.
--attempts="": iterations verification job will run (default: 30)
--benchmark="": name of benchmark to analyze
--dry-run: dry run for StartWorkflow; just print CreateExecutionRequest to stdout
--execution="": execution id of the workflow
--location="": location for workflow execution (default: us-central1)
--pinpoint-job="": ID of the pinpoint job to check
--project="": GAE project app name (default: chromeperf)
--record-to-zip="": Zip file to save replay data to
--replay-from-zip="": Zip file to replay data from
--workflow="": name of workflow to execute (default: sandwich-verification-workflow-prod)
--workload="": comma separated list of names of benchmark workloads to analyze
Generates markdown help for cabe.
Shows a list of commands or help for one command