
Pulls data from Google-internal sources, such as the Android Build APIs and Google3 builds, and funnels that into the buildbot database.

Requires the following bits of project level Metadata:

  • datahopper_internal_targets - A space separated list of tradefed targets.
  • cookieSalt - Salt for cookie generation.
  • jwt_service_account - JWT JSON Service Account data.
  • database_readwrite - Password for the build database read/write access.
  • webhook_request_salt - Salt for authenticating webhook requests.

The instance must also be setup with the scope “” for the compute engine service account.

Running locally

You will need to install InfluxDB locally and configure it using the configuration in ../influxdb/influxdb-config.toml.

You will also need a file named “service-account.json” in the CWD containing the value of the GCE metadata key jwt_service_account.

To start a local server, start up a local task_scheduler, then run:

mkdir /tmp/datahopper_internal
make && datahopper_internal --local=true \
  --logtostderr \
  --port=:8000 \
  --targets=<ask another infra team member> \
  --workdir=/tmp/datahopper_internal \
  --codename_db_dir=/tmp/datahopper_internal_codenames \
  --task_scheduler_url=https://localhost:8001/json/task \

To test the ingestBuild handler locally, use commands like the following:

DATA='{"target": "Google3-Autoroller",
    "commitHash": "0c0da2b0e21e37c33ae577e0af3e921df320ce5b",
    "status": "success",
    "changeListNumber": "111378794",
    "startTime": "1485453372",
    "finishTime": "1485453455"}'
AUTH="$(echo -n "${DATA}notverysecret" | sha512sum | xxd -r -p - | base64 -w 0)"
curl -v -H "X-Webhook-Auth-Hash: $AUTH" -d "$DATA" http://localhost:8000/ingestBuild