blob: 30673eb7af171151c881d7ae5c9c5b45fc985109 [file] [log] [blame]
# For use in the pngzop project
# Copyright 2013 by Glenn Randers-Pehrson
# Released under the pngcrush license (equivalent to the libpng license)
# Usage:
# file.png > file.zlib
# file.png is a PNG file.
# Standard output is the uncompressed IDAT chunk data, recompressed as a zlib
# datastream.
root=`echo $1 | sed -e "s/.png$//"`
rm -f ${root}_L9.png
# Do pngcrush level 9 with none, 4 filters, and adaptive filtering, and
# select the smallest.
pngcrush -q -m 113 -m 114 -m 115 -m 116 -m 117 -m 118 \
-force $1 ${root}_L9.png
# Extract and decompress the zlib datastream from the concatenated IDAT chunks.
pngzop_get_idat.exe < ${root}_L9.png | zpipe -d > ${root}_L9.idat
rm ${root}_L9.png
# Recompress with zopfli and write it on standard output.
zopfli --i25 --zlib -c ${root}_L9.idat
rm ${root}_L9.idat